Prisjećanje na 1914.: promišljanje o nasljeđu Prvog svjetskog rata

Ovaj simpozij dio je službenog progama obilježavanja Stote obljetnice Prvog svjetskog rata.

5. i 6. svibnja 2014. godine EUNIC mreža u Hrvatskoj organizira međunarodni simpozij povodom stogodišnjice Prvog svjetskog rata. Simpozij će se održati uz potporu Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske i Hrvatskog državnog arhiva te u znanstvenoj suradnji s povjesničarima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i nevladinim organizacijama Youth Initiative for Human Rights i Documenta. Ovaj simpozij će okupiti vise od 25 povjesničara iz cijele Europe (Hrvatska, Njemačka, Austrija, Švicarska, Portugal, Belgija, Francuska, Italija i Velika Britanija).

Sukobi dvadesetog stoljeća koji su bjesnili Europom rezultirali su zajedničkim opredjeljenjem za mir i pomirenje, što je temelj europskog identiteta. Cilj ovog simpozija, namijenjenog širokoj publici, je osigurati razumijevanje pojmova povijesnih rasprava i promišljanje o moći povijesti kao sredstva za učvršćivanje mira i pomirbe.

Prvi svjetski rat oblikovao je sudbinu Hrvatske i onu njezinih susjeda. Ipak, povjesničari su proveli ograničena istraživanja o posljedicama prvog svjetskog sukoba za ovu regiju te je malo spomena na ono što se dogodilo u kolektivnom sjećanju naroda. Još uvijek se čini teškim mirno procijeniti kraj austro-ugarskog utjecaja. Ipak, komemoracija stogodišnjice je prilika da se ukaže na to da ovaj sukob utječe i na današnjeg europskog građanina. Ovaj se simpozij ne bavi pitanjem odgovornosti za izbijanje sukoba, već predstavlja priliku za otvorenu raspravu o činu komemoracije rata kako bismo bolje razumjeli naš zajednički europski identitet. Posebno ćemo se usredotočiti na raznolikost sjećanja, predočenje sukoba i priču o njemu, procesu poslijeratne pomirbe i sjećanju na rat kao dijelu izgradnje nove Europe.

Ovaj simpozij će predstaviti nova sredstva koja nam stoje na raspolaganju za razmišljanje o sukobima u Europi. Izuzetna kvaliteta suradnika, redom uvaženih povjesničara i istraživača,  omogućit će nam da razmotrimo ovaj preokret i prijelomnu točku u našoj europskoj povijesti te kako to još uvijek odjekuje danas.

Pozivajući se na nevjerojatno bogato umjetničko razdoblje oko 1914. godine, “Ansambl TRIS” iz Beča izvest će u sklopu simpozija nekoliko glazbenih intermezza sa skladbama iz 1914. godine, poput onih koje su komponirali Anton Webern ili Dora Pejačević.

Ovaj simpozij će popratiti izložba originalnih fotografija iz osobne zbirke povjesničara Nevena Budaka. Pod naslovom “Hrvati u Prvom svjetskom ratu”, izložba će biti predstavljena u Medijateci Francuskog instituta u Zagrebu (Preradovićeva 5) od 28. travnja do 15. svibnja 2014. godine.

EUNIC-Croatia je mreža nacionalnih instituta za kulturu zemalja članica Europske unije prisutnih u Hrvatskoj. Ona okuplja sljedeće institute : Austrijski Kulturni Forum, British Council, Goethe-Institut Kroatien, Instituto Camoes, Instituto Cervantes, Institut français, Instituto Italiano di Cultura te, po prvi puta ove godine, Hrvatsku kuću i Wallonie-Bruxelles International.

Ovaj simpozij je dobio potporu Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske, Hrvatskog državnog arhiva te Veleposlanstva Švicarske u Hrvatskoj.

Obvezna registracija prije 22. travnja 2014. godine na sljedeću adresu:
Zamolbe za intervjue s povjesničarima: 

Monday 5th may 2014

09h00 – 10h30
Inaugural Session

Ensemble TRIS :

Dora Pejačević: 1st movement Allegro moderato, Cello sonata op.35

Introduction speeches:

Madame Michèle BOCCOZ, Ambassadeur de France en Croatie / On behalf of EUNIC member countries
Ms. Andrea Zlatar – Violic, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia

Mr. Christopher CLARK, University of Cambridge
« The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 »

Mr. Christian INGRAO, The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
«  First World War, the matrix of mass violence »


Ensemble TRIS
Dr. Julius Röntgen: “Caliban” and “Gavotte élégante” from “Cinq Morceaux”

11h00 – 13h00
1st session: Remembering 1914 in Europe, memories in confrontation?

Chair, Mr. Drago ROKSANDIĆ, University of Zagreb

Mr. Andrej RODINIS, National State Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina
«Sources of the First World War in the Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina – 100 years later»

Mr. Tvrtko JAKOVINA, University of Zagreb
«Croatian silence on the Great War»

Ms. Laurence VAN YPERSELE, Catholic University of Louvain
« Belgian memories of the 14-18 war »

Mr. Drago ROKSANDIĆ, University of Zagreb
«The First World War, a history of hatred in southeastern Europe? »

14h15 – 16h30
2nd session : Thinking about war? Experiences, narratives and representations

Ensemble TRIS
Anton Webern: Cellosonata (1914) and “Three pieces” op.11

Chair, Mr. Johann CHAPOUTOT, University of Grenoble

Ms. Tamara SCHEER, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Vienna
Dimensions of Denunciation: Austro-Hungarian Loyalties and Identities during World War One»

Mr. Wolfram DORNIK, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Graz
«The superimposed front. Why nobody speaks about the Eastern Front, and why it matters nonetheless! »

Mr. Filip HAMERŠAK, University of Zagreb
« The Great War from Below in Croatian Memoirs »

Mr. Nicolas MARIOT, The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
«Remaining an intellectual even in the trenches : to write, read and think in the testimonies of scholars»


17h00 – 19h00
3rd session : The European War and reconciliation issues in the 20th century


Ensemble TRIS – Percy Sherwood: 2nd movement  Legende, from Cellosonata op.15


Chair, Ms. Heidemarie UHL, Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Mr. Jean-Michel GUIEU, University of Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
« Peace and the European ideal in the 1920s»


Mr. Rainer BENDICK, Abendgymnasium Sophie Scholl, Osnabrück
« War experiences and perceptions of the present. Wrong lessons from history. Comparative approach of French and German textbooks during the interwar period. »


Mr. Frédéric ROUSSEAU, University of Montpellier
« “Kill the enemy” what the testimonies of combatants of the Great War teach us »

Ms. Snježana KOREN, University of Zagreb
« Teaching the First World War in Croatia, a war of heroes, a war of defeated? »

Tuesday 6th may 2014
09h15 – 11h15
4th session, state of historiography in Croatia and Europe, new perspectives

Chair, Mr. Johann CHAPOUTOT, University of Grenoble

Mr. Nikola ANUŠIĆ , University of Zagreb
« Dancing with the “Spanish Lady”: The Great Pandemic of 1918 and the Shaping of Post-war Europe »

Mr. Alain SOUBIGOU, University of Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
« Revenge, violence and suffering of war in the Czech Lands, 1914-1918 »

Ms. Christa HAMMERLE, University of Vienna
«Towards a Gendered History of the Great War: The Case of Austrian-Hungary War Nurses»

Ms. Laura GUIDI, University “Federico II” of Naples
«The Great War: Illusion and Disillusion in the writings of Italian Red Cross nurses»

11h45 – 13h45
Closing Session 1 : Memory and history of the war, a citizen issue?

Chair, Mr. Tvrtko JAKOVINA, University of Zagreb


Mr. Philippe PERCHOC, Catholic University of Louvain
« European institutions toward the First World War »


Mr. Philippe PLUMET, Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
«Teaching the First World War in Belgium, an issue for citizenship education? »

Mr. Nenad ŠEBEK, Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe (CDRSEE)
«The Joint History Project – A practical example of History teaching as a Reconciliation tool»

11h45 – 13h45
Closing Session 2 : Artists and WW1 : legacy or renewal ?

Chair, Mrs. Tamara PERIŠIĆ, Ministry of Culture


Ms. Nicoletta BOSCHIERO, House of Futurist art Depero in Rovereto
« From free words poetry to plastic complex »


Ms. Leonida KOVAC, University of Zagreb
«”Am I obliged to Participate in this Struggle?”: Nasta Rojc’s World Wars »

Ms. Maria Fernanda FERNANDES GARCIA ROLLO, New University of Lisbon
«O Mundo é de quem não sente. The Portuguese Art and culture in War period »


Mr. Adrian NOTZ, Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich
« Eternal Bliss? Dada! »


Commémorer 1914, penser la Guerre aujourd’hui

Ce symposium fait partie des événements labellisés par la mission du Centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale.


Zagreb, le 5 et le 6 mai 2014 

Le réseau EUNIC de Croatie (Réseau des Instituts culturels européens), avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture, des Archives Nationales de Croatie, et de l’Ambassade de Suisse, en partenariat scientifique avec les historiens de l’Université de Zagreb et les ONG Youth Initiative for Human Rights et Documenta, organise les 5 et 6 mai aux Archives Nationales de Croatie, un symposium international à l’occasion du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale.  Ce symposium réunira près de 25 historiens venus de toute l’Europe (Croatie, Allemagne, Autriche, Suisse, Portugal, Belgique, France, Italie, Croatie, Royaume Uni). Les conflits du XXème siècle qui ont traversé l’Europe ont abouti à une détermination collective de faire de la paix et de la réconciliation un fondement de l’identité européenne. Faire mieux connaître les termes du débat historique et pouvoir penser les usages de l’histoire comme moyen de consolider la paix et la réconciliation : tel est l’objectif de ce symposium, destiné à un large public.

 La commémoration du centenaire est l’occasion de prendre conscience que le premier conflit mondial concerne aussi le citoyen européen d’aujourd’hui. Ce symposium ne s’intéresse pas aux questions des responsabilités dans le déclenchement du conflit,  il  est véritablement pensé comme l’occasion d’un débat ouvert autour des enjeux de l’acte de commémoration et du récit de guerre pour mieux comprendre notre identité européenne commune. On réfléchira  en particulier à la confrontation des mémoires, à la représentation et au récit du conflit, au processus de réconciliation de l’après première guerre et à la mémoire de la guerre interprétée comme un enjeu de la construction citoyenne européenne.

Eunic Croatie :  Austrijski Kulturni Forum, British Council, Goethe-Institut Kroatien, Instituto Camoes, Instituto Cervantes, Institut français, Instituto Italiano di Cultura, Hrvatska kuća et Wallonie-Bruxelles International.

Inscription obligatoire avant le 22 avril à l’adresse suivante :


Monday 5th may 2014

09h00 – 10h30
Inaugural Session

Ensemble TRIS :

Dora Pejačević: 1st movement Allegro moderato, Cello sonata op.35

Introduction speeches:

Madame Michèle BOCCOZ, Ambassadeur de France en Croatie / On behalf of EUNIC member countries
Ms. Andrea Zlatar – Violic, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia

Mr. Christopher CLARK, University of Cambridge
« The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 »

Mr. Christian INGRAO, The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
«  First World War, the matrix of mass violence »


Ensemble TRIS
Dr. Julius Röntgen: “Caliban” and “Gavotte élégante” from “Cinq Morceaux”

11h00 – 13h00
1st session: Remembering 1914 in Europe, memories in confrontation?

Chair, Mr. Drago ROKSANDIĆ, University of Zagreb

Mr. Andrej RODINIS, National State Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina
«Sources of the First World War in the Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina – 100 years later»

Mr. Tvrtko JAKOVINA, University of Zagreb
«Croatian silence on the Great War»

Ms. Laurence VAN YPERSELE, Catholic University of Louvain
« Belgian memories of the 14-18 war »

Mr. Drago ROKSANDIĆ, University of Zagreb
«The First World War, a history of hatred in southeastern Europe? »

14h15 – 16h30
2nd session : Thinking about war? Experiences, narratives and representations

Ensemble TRIS
Anton Webern: Cellosonata (1914) and “Three pieces” op.11

Chair, Mr. Johann CHAPOUTOT, University of Grenoble

Ms. Tamara SCHEER, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Vienna
Dimensions of Denunciation: Austro-Hungarian Loyalties and Identities during World War One»

Mr. Wolfram DORNIK, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Graz
«The superimposed front. Why nobody speaks about the Eastern Front, and why it matters nonetheless! »

Mr. Filip HAMERŠAK, University of Zagreb
« The Great War from Below in Croatian Memoirs »

Mr. Nicolas MARIOT, The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
«Remaining an intellectual even in the trenches : to write, read and think in the testimonies of scholars»


17h00 – 19h00
3rd session : The European War and reconciliation issues in the 20th century


Ensemble TRIS – Percy Sherwood: 2nd movement  Legende, from Cellosonata op.15


Chair, Ms. Heidemarie UHL, Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Mr. Jean-Michel GUIEU, University of Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
« Peace and the European ideal in the 1920s»


Mr. Rainer BENDICK, Abendgymnasium Sophie Scholl, Osnabrück
« War experiences and perceptions of the present. Wrong lessons from history. Comparative approach of French and German textbooks during the interwar period. »


Mr. Frédéric ROUSSEAU, University of Montpellier
« “Kill the enemy” what the testimonies of combatants of the Great War teach us »

Ms. Snježana KOREN, University of Zagreb
« Teaching the First World War in Croatia, a war of heroes, a war of defeated? »

Tuesday 6th may 2014
09h15 – 11h15
4th session, state of historiography in Croatia and Europe, new perspectives

Chair, Mr. Johann CHAPOUTOT, University of Grenoble

Mr. Nikola ANUŠIĆ , University of Zagreb
« Dancing with the “Spanish Lady”: The Great Pandemic of 1918 and the Shaping of Post-war Europe »

Mr. Alain SOUBIGOU, University of Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
« Revenge, violence and suffering of war in the Czech Lands, 1914-1918 »

Ms. Christa HAMMERLE, University of Vienna
«Towards a Gendered History of the Great War: The Case of Austrian-Hungary War Nurses»

Ms. Laura GUIDI, University “Federico II” of Naples
«The Great War: Illusion and Disillusion in the writings of Italian Red Cross nurses»

11h45 – 13h45
Closing Session 1 : Memory and history of the war, a citizen issue?

Chair, Mr. Tvrtko JAKOVINA, University of Zagreb


Mr. Philippe PERCHOC, Catholic University of Louvain
« European institutions toward the First World War »


Mr. Philippe PLUMET, Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
«Teaching the First World War in Belgium, an issue for citizenship education? »

Mr. Nenad ŠEBEK, Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe (CDRSEE)
«The Joint History Project – A practical example of History teaching as a Reconciliation tool»

11h45 – 13h45
Closing Session 2 : Artists and WW1 : legacy or renewal ?

Chair, Mrs. Tamara PERIŠIĆ, Ministry of Culture


Ms. Nicoletta BOSCHIERO, House of Futurist art Depero in Rovereto
« From free words poetry to plastic complex »


Ms. Leonida KOVAC, University of Zagreb
«”Am I obliged to Participate in this Struggle?”: Nasta Rojc’s World Wars »

Ms. Maria Fernanda FERNANDES GARCIA ROLLO, New University of Lisbon
«O Mundo é de quem não sente. The Portuguese Art and culture in War period »


Mr. Adrian NOTZ, Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich
« Eternal Bliss? Dada! »
